Midjourney Free Trial: Start Your Trial Account for Free

14 Days

Trial Days

14 Days

Credit Card

Yes Required

Free Plan

Not Available

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Get a Midjourney Free Trial for 14 Days and experience the platform’s advanced features and capabilities free of cost.

Want to Explore Midjourney for free?

Stay with us to explore everything you’re looking for, including information about Midjurney’s free trial, key benefits, and more. We’ll help you uncover all the details you need to make an informed decision about using Midjurney.

Midjourney Free Trial 2024

Midjourney is an independent research lab that delves into uncharted territories of thought, expanding the imaginative boundaries of our species. Our small, self-funded team focuses on design, human infrastructure, and AI. 

Currently, there is no Free Trial available at Midjourney but you can claim the two-week-long (14-day) Midjourney Basic Plan Subscription with Discord Nitro.

Midjourney’s free trial offers 25 images for generation, which technically means 100 images as they are generated in 4-image grids.

Midjourney has four Paid Subscription Plans. These plans are designed to provide varying levels of features and benefits, ensuring that users can choose the one that best suits their requirements.

Here’s a closer look at each of Midjourney’s four paid subscription plans:

Midjourney plans

Steps to Get a Free Trial of Midjourney

To start a Midjourney free trial follow the below steps:

Step 1: Visit the Official Discord Nitro website.

Step 2: Set up an account as instructed.

Step 3: After creating your Discord account, join the Midjourney Discord server.

Step 4: Use the search bar in Discord to find the server. Type “Midjourney” and click on the official server to join.

Step 5: Once you’ve joined the server, you can start using Midjourney’s features.

Congrats, your free trial is activated, and now you can Explore and Enjoy Midjourney for free.

FAQs: Midjourney AI Trial

Is there a free trial for Midjourney?

No, Midjourney does not offer a free trial at this time. However, you can access a 14-day trial of the Midjourney Basic Plan through Discord Nitro.

Are there any restrictions with the Midjourney trial account?

The trial account for the Midjourney Basic Plan accessed through Discord Nitro may have some limitations compared to a full subscription.

Can I get a Midjourney trial without Discord?

As of now, the only way to access a trial of the Midjourney Basic Plan is through Discord Nitro.

Is a Credit card required for the Midjourney free trial?

Yes, credit card information is required for the Midjourney free trial with Discord Nitro, but you will be charged after the trial period.

Is there a free version of Midjourney?

No, Midjourney does not offer a free version. However, they may have a free trial or limited-time access offers to allow users to explore their platform before committing to a paid plan.

Is Midjourney free for students?

While there isn’t a dedicated free plan for students. But, Midjourney offers discounts or promotions from time to time, so it’s worth checking their website or contacting their support for any potential student offers.

Conclusion – Midjourney Free Trial 2024

In this article, we have covered all possible information about the Midjourney free trial, features, Subscription plans, and many more.

As of now, The free trial is not available on Midjourney but you can access the Midjourney Basic Plan trial for 14 days through Discord Nitro. This is a great way to try out the platform and see if it meets your needs.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to explore the platform. Sign up for Midjurney’s free trial today and experience the difference firsthand.

Midjourney Free Trial: Start Your Trial Account for Free
Midjourney Free Trial: Start Your Trial Account for Free

14 Days

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